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Denny Wijayanto

Strategic Partner at ACMF International Private Fundraising


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My Story

I love scaling up startups and companies. My biggest strength is being able to quickly and easily fix startups or companies’ problems that most people don’t even realize. 


In a startup incubator career that spans more than a decade, I have studied Technology Transfer Business Incubation Center (TTBIC) at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. I have worked for almost ten years in the startup industry and five years in the manufacturing industry and have met thousands of stakeholders and obtained international and domestic networks. Some of my long-time and strategic partners are The Ministry of Informatic (Gerakan Nasional 1000 Startup Digital, Sekolah Beta, Startup Studio and Hub ID Program), The Ministry of Education (Innovation Startup, Matching Fund and Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Program), Research & Technology (CPPBT & PPBT), The Ministry of Industry (Startup4industry), The Ministry of Cooperative and SMEs (Fasilitasi Wirausaha Program), Indigo Hub, BLOCK71, NUS Enterprise, SMU, Lee Kuan Yew Business School, Pertamina, Lintasarta, RPX, Genius - BTPN, and many more.


Today, I build and develop technology based on mechanics, robotics, artificial intelligence and the internet of things to provide lean manufacturing and industry efficiency solutions. Some of our innovations are face recognition, presence, personal safety equipment detection, masker detection, temperature, plant disease and gas tunnel detection using artificial intelligence. The other AI implementations are object counting on people, vehicles (car, motorcycle and truck), coconut and many more. Digital control systems and laser volume scanners are implemented using mechanics, robotics and the internet of things.


Over the past ten years, I have helped 8,000+ young entrepreneurs to learn about startups, incubated 850+ startup founders and built more than 250+ startups. During the Covid-19, I contributed to developing ICU ventilators and Ge-Nose C-19 (early detection of Covid-19 virus) by leveraging artificial intelligence that involves academics and startups from multi-discipline: mathematics & natural science, medicine, and electronics & instrument.


If you are tired of doing fundraising only to end up frustrated with little to no results, perhaps my team and I can assist you. We grow entrepreneurs, startups or companies and add their next $1M-$10M per year in revenue predictably and profitably.

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